My Story


Although this is a professional site, I want to share with you the story of my life that may inspire many who are still afraid.

I was born in a small town at the foot of the Retezat Mountains in Transylvania, Romania. I attended primary and secondary school in my hometown. Unfortunately this was not a pleasant experience because I was beaten, harassed and ridiculed almost daily by some fellow students for being gay.

In 2008 I met Sabrina Delas, a young girl from France who had applied for an internship at the same foster center where my mother works. Meeting Sabrina inspired me a lot and also gave me courage, at that time to study art. Unfortunately Sabrina had to go to France and my parents did not understand the direction I wanted to go, then they forced me to go to church. In Romania, those who are part of the church clergy are viewed with great respect and admiration. From the moment I started serving with the priests in the main cathedral of the city, suddenly everyone's attitude changed. From the mocked and humiliated person, I became respected and started to feel safe.

I soon chose the path of seminary in exchange for the path of art. At only 14 years old I moved alone 200km away from my hometown. During the Theological Seminary I confessed to a priest for six years to whom I confessed that I was gay. His reaction was this: Brother, if you listen to me and are submissive, you will be healed in the Church, because this is a great sin and a mental illness. For nine years I lived in frustration, repressed my feelings, and tried to cure myself of homosexuality. After graduating from the Orthodox seminary, I was admitted to the Faculty of Orthodox Theology but I decided to become a monk.

I thought I couldn't marry a girl whose life I could have ruined without being able to love her, so I decided to enter the convent and become a monk. It was one of the most horrible experiences I've ever had. Falsehood, the way these corupted ‘holy fathers’ abuse power disgusted me, so in November 28, 2015 I decided to leave this sick place.

In 2016 I had the chance to go on an exchange program through the Erasmus program where I started to meet people who inspired me. Unfortunately in the same year I became quite ill, being diagnosed with a cancer in the last stage, the chances of survival being minimal. I can say that this experience was the most beneficial for me but I can't say that it was easy. Cancer has opened my eyes to understand that life can end extremely quickly and that it is not worth to spend time with narrow minded people. After cancer I chose to leave Romania and move to Copenhagen. Here I am a queer refugee. Copenhagen is home, the place where I feel safe, the place where I can be myself.